
The New President

The Pumpkin President by Mark Ryden

I survey my kingdom:
a horse skull/ jungle gym
with blond bee-striped boys,
sparrow-sized, halfway in

an eye hole to hide;
the other on top,
staring straight down
to a devilish Scot

who winks at the camera,
that handsome pariah,
his gaze set on us,
he forgets the messiah,

who, perched in his house,
points down from a tree
in a gesture of patience
to him and to me.

For with my striped stick
I'm a cruel master.
Out of ten subjects
there's only my Aster

who sits in the undergrowth
reading a book.
(Though not really reading
by her vacant look.)

She's grown a new president,
one that's honest and true,
and when he is my size
what will I do?

1 comment:

J. Byrd said...

Looks like the picture got cut off. I'd reformat the page, but then the logo would have to be changed and it all seems like a bit too much.

Here's an external like to Mark Ryden's page http://www.markryden.com/