
Pride and Prejudice Has Recently Been Voted the Most Romantic Novel of All Time! (Flarf Sestina)

In which Miss
costs a fortune
and your love for your wife
assigns one or more class
by making bogus claims, yet agrees to settle
with actual examples of a completed proposal.

“I have a modest proposal
and this, fellow readers, is why Miss
is all the more reason to settle
near the mouth of fortune
and start the remedial class
of Man and Wife.”

“I am my own wife”:
An immodest proposal,
treated as a new class
that could also qualify you to compete for Miss
and find your fortune
before you attempt to settle.

Should we just settle?
The concept is a little archaic, but the modernized wife
can mean the difference between losing a fortune
or making a proposal
explored through one young woman's quest for the Miss
from a birthing class.

"It seems to primarily have to do with socio-economic class,
the meaning of “settle,”
but somehow I managed to miss
the crap out of my wife
a long time before any proposal
distributed my fortune."

The wheel of fortune
also belongs to a class,
which must submit a proposal
on Monday to settle.
Read a variety of content on how to be a good wife
and vote for Miss.

How to make a marriage proposal fortune:
See the profile for Miss Class
and make him settle for a wife.

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